Career prospects



The growth of Rödl & Partner is based on recognition and exploitation of the opportunities which arise by entrepreneurially-minded professionals. After the fall of the Berlin wall, Rödl & Partner was the first law firm to venture to the east into the former Czechoslovakia, which laid the foundations for its global expansion.


Today, we are one of the leading professional services firms of German origin. In order to maintain this position, at Rödl & Partner also our young professionals practise entrepreneurial flexibility, which naturally results in the corresponding entrepreneurial responsibility.
In day-to-day business you are encouraged to prove your professional abilities and systematically build on these over the years. In this respect the whole of your character is called upon because we primarily have to deal with people. Our clients are searching for advisors who are technically competent and also have the necessary soft skills because they come to you with demanding and complex questions. Technical excellence and the human element create the foundation for long-term client relationships based on trust which in turn further your career opportunities.
Our career model with its four levels serves to promote the step-by-step introduction of entrepreneurial responsibility. Due to the fact that we support people and their individuality in the different stages of their life, our career model is flexible and our communication channels are open for your ideas.



Seize the opportunity with Rödl & Partner! 

 Personal and professional development at Rödl & Partner Lithuania: The sky is the limit

An interview with a newly promoted Head of BPO Julija Shershneva on unlimited professional opportunities at Rödl & Partner Lithuania.

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