Rödl & Partner advises DKV Mobility Group in acquiring Port One Estonia, State Port Group Lithuania and Port One Polska



Rödl & Partner advised the mobility service provider DKV Mobility Group on its acquisition of Osaühing Port One Estonia, UAB "State Port Group" and Port One Polska Spółka z Ograniczona Odpowiedzialnoscia.

The three companies now acquired by DKV are already well-known and established in their home markets as fuel card specialists and leading providers of comprehensive fuelling solutions. With the acquisition DKV Mobility Group aims to significantly expand and strengthen its presence in the Baltic States and Poland. The parties have agreed not to disclose further details of the transaction.

Rödl & Partner, led by Managing Partner Baltic and Nordic Countries Jens-Christian Pastille acted as the exclusive legal advisor for DKV Mobility Group. Key service areas included buy-side legal due diligence and transaction advisory. The transaction was completed in May 2021.

About DKV Mobility Group

DKV Euro Service has been one of the leading mobility service providers for the logistics and transport industry for over 85 years. From cashless en route supply at over 230,000 cross-brand acceptance points to toll collection and VAT refunds, DKV offers a comprehensive range of services for optimizing and managing vehicle fleets throughout Europe. DKV Euro Service is part of DKV Mobility with over 1,200 employees. In 2019, the Group achieved a transaction volume of EUR 9.9 billion and was active in 45 countries. Currently, more than 5.1 million DKV CARDs and on-board units are in use with over 240,000 contractual partners. In 2020, DKV CARD was named the best brand in the fuel and service card category for the 16th time in a row.


Advisors to DKV Mobility Group

Jens-Christian Pastille, Partner (Corporate M&A), Riga, project lead – Legal

Alice Salumets, (Corporate M&A), Tallinn – Legal

Michael Manke, Associate Partner (Corporate M&A), Vilnius – Legal

Jarosław Kamiński, Associate Partner (Corporate M&A), Warsaw – Legal​


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Michael Manke

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+370 5 212 35 90

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Eglė Stūglė

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+370 5 212 35 90

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