Tax consulting



Tax consulting is one of the core areas of Rödl & Partner in Lithuania. In addition, our advisers around the world might support you with their expertise and assist you on your way to success.


Global tax consulting for your business needs

Day by day markets are growing closer together and new business areas and forms of cross border cooperation are being created. This involves a host of new legislation and regulations in tax law. The area is ever more complex and specialisation more necessary than ever before. The close knit inter­action with our generalists is thus a decisive factor for your success.

One-stop shop for interdisciplinary tax consulting

Our experienced tax consultants work in international interdisciplinary teams together with legal advisers, management consultants and auditors. In this process we coordinate the services of all specialists working on your project. Rödl & Partner offers you a one-stop shop for professional services and project management.

Our tax consulting services

The interdisciplinary tax consulting teams at Rödl & Partner are always up to date and are also exceptionally well informed about inter­national developments. Our expert contact persons will support you around the world with the quick and professional implementation of new tax laws and regulations.


We provide answers to all your questions regarding tax. In order to provide quality tax consulting services in line with your expec­tations, in addition to colleagues with general qualifications specialised experts with many years of experience and expertise are available to support you.​

 Tax table 2025 | The Baltics

Our team of tax experts in the Baltics presents a comprehensive summary of the primary taxes in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania​​ as of 2025.​​


Contact Person Picture

Rūta Bilkštytė

Head of Tax Department

+370 5 212 35 90

Send inquiry

Contact Person Picture

Tomas Ptašnykas

Tax Consultant

+370 5 212 35 90

Send inquiry

 Tax Newsletter Lithuania 2025

 Download as a PDF file (LT version)


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