Interdisciplinary services




We are different because of our unique interdisciplinary business model. Each service line at Rödl & Partner is well positioned. Based on this and using our multidisciplinary skills we guarantee our clients a special added value from the seamless combination of the services we provide. In this way our clients avoid a number of different business consultants and receive comprehensive advisory services from a single source.

What sets us apart?

Our team at Rödl & Partner Lithuania, consisting of a number of  lawyers, tax consultants, auditors and accountants, is highly experienced in leading multidisciplinary projects. This has proven itself in day-to-day business, for example, with tasks which require different disciplines in connection with international corporate legal structures for company groups optimised for tax, transactions (M&A), company succession, or cloud computing. Of course, we provide advisory services for projects involving only one practice line as well. Should you feel a need for a professional consultation, our experts in Vilnius office are ready to serve your business.
Rödl & Partner Lithuania’s clients benefit from a wide range of services from a single source. This is undoubtedly convenient and useful when projects involve different service lines in more than one country.

Interdisciplinary services provided by Rödl & Partner Lithuania

Rödl & Partner in Lithuania offers advisory services in legal, tax, accounting and audit areas. In addition, our highly experienced experts provide clients with support during the implementation process. In addition, our experts also take on tasks in standard outsourcing areas including accounting, controlling, internal auditing and further ongoing assignments.


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Tobias Kohler

Attorney at Law


+370 5 212 35 90

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Rūta Bilkštytė

Head of Tax Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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Rita Jodelienė

Head of Audit Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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Yulia Shershneva

Head of BPO Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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