Michael Manke



Attorney-at-law, Germany (Rechtsanwalt, Deutschland)

Associate Partner
Leader of Corporate law, IP and IT, Public Procurement law, Investment law, Legal tech and digitalisation, Compliance management, European state aid service lines


Phone: +370 (5) 212 35 90

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​Michael Manke serves local and international businesses in corporate law and M&A field, especially cross-border and focuses on foreign direct investments (FDI).  Michael also advises on media and technology issues, intellectual property law amd public procurement legal matters. He provides extensive legal services to foreign investors establishing a presence in Lithuania (green- and brownfield-investments) with a proven track record including the biggest investments in Lithuania in recent years.

Mr. Manke acquired his legal degree at Rheinische-Friedrich Wilhelm University Bonn (Germany). Later on, in 2010, he gained Master of Laws in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law at Hannover university (Germany) as well as Master of Laws in Information and Communication Technology Law at Oslo university (Norway).

Additionally, Michael leads the seminars and gives lectures on legal due diligence, e-commerce, digitalization and related topics.

A Member of ITechLaw (International Association of IT-lawyers), the Lithuanian Bar Association and Dusseldorf (Germany) Bar Association.

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