


 Sanctions Newsletter

Rödl & Partner global team of sanctions experts invites you to explore the newest updates in the field of sanctions. For your convenience, each edition of the Sanctions newsletter is available in both English and German languages.

Always stay up-to-date:

Enjoy the reading!

 M&A yearbook 2023

                                             We are delighted to share insights into the remarkable growth of the M&A division at Rödl & Partner in 2023. 

Overall, we advised on a total of 353 transactions in the 2023 financial year, an impressive increase of 14 percent compared to the previous year. 

This performance underlines not only our commitment, but also our ability to hold our own in a challenging market environment. 

 Global study | Home office regulations

Rödl & Partner in cooperation with the leading talent advisory company Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) launched a global guide about international home office regulations in various countries. The publication covers an overview of the existence of legal provisions regulating remote working in respective countries and the obligation to provide compensation for such type of work.


What do the legal entities, the General Managers or representatives of the legal entities need to know about the submission of the information on the ultimate beneficial owners (UBO)? What documents must be provided? What is the liability for non-compliance or inadequate compliance with the obligation? Check out a newsletter “JANGIS  the subsystem of ultimate beneficial owners” prepared by our legal team and find out the answers to all UBO-related questions.

 NordBalt Briefing

A 360⁰ look around the Baltic Sea: Comprehensive information and professional insights for business in the Nordic Baltic region. More »




Stay informed on the latest tax amendments in Lithuania (2025):


  • Tax Newsletter Lithuania 2025 



Additionally, check out our international newsletters in a wide range of jurisdictions - from Africa to Vietnam.




Find out more about our services, multidisciplinary teams and our expertise. More »

 Tax table 2025 | The Baltics


Tax Table 2025 | Summary of the main taxes in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania:

 Newsletter Latvia

 Investment Guides



Our investment guides provides you with information, ideas and inspiration for your investment opportunities and financial planning needs. More »


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Lina Pradkelienė

Communication Manager

+370 5 2123 590

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 Rödl & Partner Factbook


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