Tax audits / Agreements with tax authorities



Our knowledge, extensive experience and close communication with the tax authorities representing taxpayers during the tax investigations and tax disputes allow us to competently represent our clients in a variety of areas.


However, we always invest our time and effort to prevent tax disputes and reach an acceptable compromise in case of different views to the tax situation. We can offer you our assistance in representing clients against the tax authorities in early stages of the tax audit or, even better, at the pre-audit stage to ensure the best of clients’ interest.


Our services:

  • Assessment of the situation and preparation of the an action plan in the case of a tax investigation / audit / dispute with the tax administrator
  • Representation of our clients during various tax control procedures (e.g. tax investigation and tax audit)
  • Assisting our Clients with coordination of uncertain tax calculation, reporting and payment issues with Lithuanian tax authorities and other supervisory institutions
  • Preparing of inquiries and requests for explanation to Lithuanian tax authorities
  • Support in concluding agreements with the tax authorities regarding tax deferral and tax debt amounts
  • Representation of our clients at Lithuanian tax authorities regarding obtaining of binding rulings or entering into advance pricing arrangements (APA).

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