Construction law



Construction law governs many different aspects related to your real estate:  buying, planning, construction and maintenance. Our construction law experts at Rödl & Partner offer tailored solutions for all phases in the life-cycle of your real estate.


You can build on us 

Together with our clients, we analyse the legal bases and draw up tailor-made construction contracts according to the needs of each concrete task.


We advise you on your construction projects every step of the way – from contract signing to removal of the last defect, and we represent your construction law interests in court: 

  • Post-project reviews, handling of concerns and hindrances
  • Preparation of and assistance in acceptance procedures
  • Warranty tracking
  • Representation in court, proceedings for the preservation of evidence
  • Licensing.

It goes without saying that we always seek to find professional and practical solutions to tackle your construction law issues. Our experienced attorneys will stand by your side to represent your interests in all aspects of construction law.  


Contact Person Picture

Liudgardas Maculevičius

Attorney at Law

Associate Partner

+370 5 212 35 90

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Laima Nevarauskaitė

Assistant Attorney-at-Law

+370 5 212 35 90

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