Tax disputes




Tax regulations are complex enough, and their application often involves differences of opinion between business and state revenue authorities.


Here, at Rödl & Partner Lithuania, a group of experienced tax and legal professionals are ready to assist you in the resolution of tax disputes. Having an extensive experience in working with tax authorities, we can offer the best possible tools and solutions to the client. 


Rödl & Partner in Lithuania might be your trusted partner in:

  • Planning taxes
  • Explaining all taxation issues pertaining to your activities
  • Keeping you informed about changes in taxation legislation
  • Giving you strategic advice, and defend your positions against the tax authorities.


Tax disputes related services:

  • Consultations in the stages of tax dispute prevention and tax investigation/review
  • Legal representation in tax disputes at the pre-litigation stage and in administrative courts of all instances
  • Handling civil cases in general courts of all instances on tax related matters
  • Development of a dispute resolution strategy and its implementation.


Additionally, we are ready to advise you in all cases when tax authorities initiate an inspection and, if necessary, we will defend your interests in tax disputes.


Overall, Rödl & Partner combines deep technical understanding, tax litigation experience and a global perspective to provide you with comprehensive services.


Contact Person Picture

Rūta Bilkštytė

Head of Tax Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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