Audit of annual and consolidated financial statements




The proficiency of our client-oriented and enthusiastic audit team in Lithuania enables us to propose our clients much more than auditing the correctness of the transactions. Our risk-oriented approach and comprehensive methodologies we are working with on a daily basis, give us an opportunity to seek an excellence in audit field. Here, at Rödl & Partner Lithuania, our audit professionals perceive every single audit of annual and consolidated financial statements as a particular procedure tailored to the specific requirements of each client. For us, audit is not just an automated process. It is a vivid interaction between the clients and our audit experts, leading to the professional solutions to a wide range of businesses.
Overall, the auditor’s role does not cover only assertions as to the correctness of corporate accounts, but also assist owners and/or supervisory bodies in the proper management of business. Rödl & Partner audit teams work with leading-edge audit software that supports in identification of red flag issues in their early stage. An effective and professional audit of annual and consolidated financial statements performed by our audit professionals help to avoid various business threats. 

The audit team at Rödl & Partner Lithuania, led by Līga Trautmane, ensures comprehensive audit services, including audit of annual and consolidated financial statements.


Our cross-border audit services from a single source

We dedicate a respective audit professional as a main contact person for every client. He/she is always ready to solve your business queries and issues. Throughout the audit process, they ensure quick decision-making. The close communication with our auditors working in our over 100 locations worldwide is a significant element in ensuring a seamless audit of consolidated financial statements. Because we engage our own audit firms across the globe, we are able to provide you with an audit of consolidated accounts from a single source. It goes without saying that we utilise a unified audit approach all over the world. Rödl & Partner is not a network. We place great emphasis on close, interdisciplinary and international cooperation among our colleagues. You will therefore find Rödl & Partner's unique culture and quality in every office around the world.


Contact Person Picture

Rita Jodelienė

Head of Audit Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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