Accounting process optimisation


Experience shows that errors are usually made more than once. Sometimes there are hardly any negative effects, but there can also be crucial consequences.


You can rely on our interdisciplinary expertise in the field of financial accounting. The accounting team at Rödl & Partner in Lithuania, led by Yulia Shershneva, revises existing processes and supports you with the development of new processes in order to ensure that the errors are not repeated and that the right learning and innovation curve takes place.


We implement specific optimisation processes in the following areas: 

  • Payment processing
  • Laws regulating travel expenses and the processing thereof
  • Transnational human resource processes, such as payroll accounting
  • Management reporting and consolidation
  • Accounts payable management and workflow-supported accounts payable.

Our clients might benefit locally and abroad from our extensive expertise and solutions provided by our BPO specialists. One firm. One team. Smart advisory.


Contact Person Picture

Yulia Shershneva

Head of BPO Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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