Our entrepreneurial spirit and values



Rödl & Partner is the agile caring partner for Mittelstand shaped world market leaders.


Just as with most of our clients an entrepreneurial heart beats within us. We have the same pulse rate. This leads us to have the same convictions. So we all agree: it‘s not enough just to decide that one would like to act in an entrepreneurial manner. This alone is not enough to create the pioneering entrepreneur. In addition, relentless drive is necessary, a kind of restlessness similar to that of a watch movement. This enables bustling activity, industriousness, inspiration, enthusiasm and a healthy attitude to risk taking.

The "one firm" concept is at the centre of the brand identity of Rödl & Partner. All services are offered under the brand name "Rödl & Partner". In order to strengthen the brand in a sustainable manner and to ensure recognition in external as well as internal communication, a worldwide uniformity is necessary. More »


Contact Person Picture

Tobias Kohler

Attorney at Law


+370 5 212 35 90

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