Compliance management



There is no turnkey solution for introducing and putting in place a compliance management system and handling risks in an enterprise. The pressure to introduce a compliance management system often comes from the outside of an enterprise: be it media reports or intensified measures taken by investigative authorities against corruption (bribery) and fraud, or it can even be a customer requesting a supplier to commit to the customer's compliance guidelines as a condition for maintaining business relations with that supplier. 


Rödl & Partner pays regard to the specific needs of each enterprise and provides them with tailor-made advisory as to the requirements that have to be met in order to put in place an appropriate and effective compliance management system.


A compliance management system tailored to your needs ensures security 

Compliance management must often take account of very different requirements depending on the company's type, branch of industry, size, legal form, risk appetite and international presence. The art, however, lies in being able to stress the individual corporate culture and use the existing processes, such as quality and risk management, for the purpose of implementation of an integral compliance management model that applies to and is recognised by all company staff and is easy to handle by each employee.
A customised compliance management system safeguards corporate security because it helps above all to avoid fines and bad headlines. But it also provides security to company executives and allows minimising and even completely avoiding liability claims under civil or criminal law.


Rödl & Partner in Lithuania offers the following services related to the implementation of a compliance management system: 

  • Making employees aware of opportunities and benefits arising from compliance (in-house workshop)
  • Identifying of existing risks in the company
  • Preparing of a company-specific code of conduct and a chart of values
  • Developing or revising of internal guidelines
  • Drafting of management's statement of commitment to compliance
  • Using of process flows, such as quality and risk management process flows
  • Where appropriate, creating new structures and links within the company
  • Structuring of company internal communication
  • Training of executives, supervisory board members and employees
  • Monitoring
  • Implementing of adjustments based on lessons learned.


These services are offered by Rödl & Partner in form of an integrated corporate compliance and risk management system that takes into account and focuses not only on legal and tax aspects, but also on business management, with the aim of optimally structuring risk reduction and risk prevention. 


Contact Person Picture

Michael Manke

Attorney at Law

Associate Partner

+370 5 212 35 90

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