Company pension schemes



Company pension schemes are growing in importance as a crucial part of total remuneration, also and especially in economically volatile times.They are often a decisive factor when it comes to competing for expert and management staff. Simultaneously, companies offering pension schemes operate in an increasingly regulated legal and tax environment.


Adapting a pension plan to the company's needs and objectives makes such a plan attractive and contributes to the success of the company and its employees. Rödl & Partner advises and assists you and your company in the tax optimisation of your pension commitments and your employees' pension scheme as well as in their structuring in compliance with labour law. 


Services provided by Rödl & Partner in Lithuania in the field of company pension schemes include: 

  • Implementation, modernisation and closing of dedicated pension funds  
  • Identification of tax, economic and legal risks tied to existing pension schemes
  • Optimisation of new and existing commitments in terms of labour and tax law
  • Compensation and transfer of vested rights (portability)
  • Implementation of the statutory right to deferred compensation
  • Hiving-off of pension provisions from the balance sheet
  • Due diligence, solutions concerning corporate succession and transactions
  • Representation in court proceedings.


Contact Person Picture

Rūta Bilkštytė

Head of Tax Department

+370 5 212 35 90

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Michael Manke

Attorney at Law

Associate Partner

+370 5 212 35 90

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